Forte Ops Data Collection & Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”)



Forte Ops and its subsidiaries (“Forte Ops ” or “We”) maintain this website (the “Site”) primarily for informational purposes and as a platform for interaction with our B2B customers. On this Site, We collect and retain only the information (including business contact name, contact details etc. – “Contact Information”) our existing or potential business customers (“Users”) provide for the purposes explained on the Site – primarily relating to existing or potential commercial transactions with Us. As we are a B2B service, any personal information provided by consumers or other individuals on their own behalf will not be retained or stored by Forte Ops but will be deleted.

We only collect and retain the Contact Information that Users choose to provide to us. By providing us with your Contact Information, you give Forte Ops your express consent to contact you on behalf of your business in the manner you indicate using the contact details that you provide only for the purpose it was collected.

You may also choose to opt-in to promotional emails that We might send from time-to-time. If you decide that you no longer wish to receive promotional emails, you will have the option to opt-out using a simple ‘unsubscribe’ link provided in all promotional emails. We do not use your Contact Information for any other purpose or disclose the Contact Information to any third party without your explicit consent. If you no longer are or wish to be the contact person, please send us the updated information and we will no longer contact you.

Data Collected Automatically
When Users use the Site, it automatically receives and records data from your device, including, without limitation, your general location, IP address, browser type (if applicable), operating data, and application IDs, “cookie” information, and the page you requested (collectively the “Data”). Unless otherwise stated in this Privacy Policy, We only use this Data in aggregate form.

We and our third-party service providers use cookies and similar technologies to analyze use. You can disable cookies in your browser settings, however, if you do so, some parts of the Site may not function properly.
Usage Data: may include information about how frequently Users use/interact with the Site. We track every page load and every button click. We use this Data to make Site and experience improvements.

Anonymized Aggregated Data
We may aggregate and anonymize Data and use and disclose it for a variety of purposes, including analytics. However, in these situations, we do not disclose any Data, Contact Information or any other personal information You may provide when interacting with the Site other than as specifically stated in this Privacy Policy.

Service Providers
We may use the services of unrelated service providers (collectively, “Third Parties”) in connection with the Site, including, without limitation, off premise data hosting and communication services. We may disclose the Data to the Third Parties in the course of our use of their services solely in connection with their provision of the services. We take care to use Third Parties that we believe are reputable and capable of performing the services we require of them, including, without limitation, the handling Data and the compliance with all applicable laws.

General Retention Policy
We keep Contact Information and Data for as long as it is required for the purposes for which it was collected, in accordance with the applicable laws. Notwithstanding the foregoing, We de-identify and/or delete: (a) Contact Information and collected Data if and when it is no longer needed for the purpose it was collected; and (b) unnecessary (or erroneously provided) information that may be collected elsewhere on and/or through the Site.

We also strive to protect Contact Information and Data by putting in place a range of technical and organizational measures to safeguard and secure the Contact Information and Data we receive from you, including without limitation, security technologies. We are continuously utilizing security measures to protect your Contact Information and Data from unauthorized access or against loss, misuse or alteration. Despite our efforts, we cannot guarantee the security of any Contact Information and/or Data.

Changes to This Privacy Policy
We may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. The use of Contact Information and Data we collect is subject to the Privacy Policy and any contract we may enter into with your business. If we make any material changes in the way we use Contact Information and/or Data, we will post a notice on the Site, but in all respects, We will only use Your Contact Information and Data in accordance with the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”), the California Online Privacy Protection Act (“CalOPPA”), Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA”) and other relevant privacy legislation. You are bound by any changes to the Privacy Policy when You use the Site after such changes have been first posted.

It is our goal to make our privacy practices easy to understand. If you have questions, concerns or if you would like more detailed information, please contact us

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