Cannabis SOPs You Need To Get A License In New York

Cannabis SOPs You Need To Get A License In New York

New York has embraced the formal legalisation of cannabis for both medical and adult-use with enthusiasm. It is among the least business-friendly states in the country, with several obstacles to starting a cannabis business. And besides challenges in taxation and regulatory compliance, the state provides access to a large consumer base with high disposable income and above-average per capita wealth.

If you want to open a dispensary in New York, you will have to apply for a CAURD license.

Conditional Adult-Use Retail Dispensary License Eligibility

Applicants must fulfill either the qualifying nonprofit requirements or the qualifying business criteria in order to be eligible for a CAURD licence.

Applicants must provide evidence that 30% of the business is owned by one individual who has met the following qualifying business criteria and is/has:

  • Been convicted of a cannabis related offense before March 31, 2021 in NY.
  • Had ownership of at least 10% for at least two years in a business that was profitable during that time.
  • Exclusive control over the applicant, as defined by the ability to direct or supervise the operation, policies, management, and managers of the business. 
  • At least two years of experience running a social enterprise with net assets or a profit.

According to New York cannabis authorities, the application process will be released somewhere in the middle of 2023. 

Documents Required for Cannabis Dispensary License Application

  • Physical ID – it could be your Driver License, Non-Driver ID Card, or any other Government-issued ID Card.
  • Tax documents
  • Proof of New York State residency for the person in sole control
  • A record of the conviction of the justice involved individual or their family member (if qualifying under nonprofit criteria)
  • And most importantly pre-license SOPs.

What Are Pre-License Cannabis SOPs?

Pre-license cannabis SOPs are used to comply with license requirements for cannabis cultivation, extraction, manufacturing, and retail dispensaries. The government regulators mandate pre-license cannabis SOPs in order to assure them of the safety and security of the following: 

  • The facility 
  • Employees
  • Consumers and other general public, including minors
  • The environment

Cannabis SOPs You Need to Get a License in New York

  • Cannabis Retail SOPs
  • Cannabis Cultivation SOPs
  • Cannabis Manufacturing SOPs
  • Cannabis Testing SOPs

Cannabis Retail SOPs

The success of your cannabis retail business depends on accurate record keeping, adherence to state laws, and completing tasks consistently and efficiently. Thus, Forte Operations can support with SOP’s for the below requirements: 

  • Adverse Event Reporting
  • Quality Assurance/Control
  • Recall
  • Packaging and Labeling
  • Inventory Control, Storage, Diversion Prevention
  • Recordkeeping
  • Waste Disposal, Sanitation
  • Dispensing
  • Delivery
  • Age Verification
  • Secure Transport of Cannabis
  • Reporting of Test Results for Cannabis

Our SOPs are not only for your application and inspection however, we fully customize these tools to your business so that your leadership team has a step by step guide to opening and operating the business. 

Bottom Line

Standard Operating Procedures are essential for protecting your company from the liability of employee error. Additionally, it makes sure that compliant practices are always followed, prepping you for random regulatory inspections.

Set your business up for success from the get go by implementing detailed standards of practice. 

To learn more about cannabis SOPs, please feel free to get in touch with our team of specialists.

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