Understanding The Basics Of Cannabis Standard Operating Procedures

Cannabis Standard Operating Procedures

Every cannabis business, at its core, is a series of procedures. And standard operating procedure or SOPs is the go-to documents that can be used as a guide on how to perform regular tasks. In order to develop workflows that are uniform, lean, and efficient, companies create these internal guides.

In this blog, we will be understanding the basics of cannabis standard operating procedures.

What are Cannabis SOPs?

Standard operating procedures or cannabis SOPs are more than just a list of written procedures. An organization’s employees are given step-by-step instructions in SOP documents on how to carry out a complex, repetitive task. You can consider it a guide for accomplishing a task.

SOPs are created with a specific group of people in mind who will perform a task. Without instructions, each person might complete the task in their own way which makes things chaotic. No matter what industry you work in, the SOP definition is the same.

All industries use SOPs, and many businesses employ dozens of them to guarantee consistently high-quality work from every member of the team. SOPs can simply be a list of action items with bullets, but adding visual components makes effective processes in the cannabis industry like customer management or hardware maintenance more effective.

Let’s look at the basics of cannabis SOPs, why your cannabis business needs them, and why using Forte templates can help engage your team, making your training and development efforts stronger.

What Is The Purpose Of Cannabis SOPs?

SOPs help in ensuring quality and consistency in job performance when they are used throughout an organization for a broad range of tasks. SOPs can be used by businesses to train both new employees and existing team members on new tools, processes, or jobs.
The general purpose of an SOP document is to:
• Align every team member to the standard way of working to establish consistency
• Provide clear instructions for every employee and increase profits.
• Establish consistency, improve product or service output, and reduce product recall rates
• Reduce chances of errors due to miscommunication
• Follow timelines
• Critical processes should be well-documented and accessible to employee inspection to give a business an extra security layer
• Improve overall operational efficiency

SOP Examples In The Cannabis Industry

Possible SOPs include:

• Store opening/closing procedure
• Cultivation Procedure
• Customer handling and management
• Setting up the dispensary
• Hardware inspection and maintenance procedures
• Disaster preparedness
• HR checklist
• Safety procedure

What is a Cannabis SOP Template?

Now that we know what a cannabis SOP is, let us understand what is a cannabis SOP template, and why cannabis companies need one. An organization employs a cannabis standard operating procedure template, which is a preformatted document, as a starting point for writing an SOP. Like all templates, this one acts as a fundamental structural blueprint for writing operational procedures.

• A cannabis firm might have a number of SOPs, developed by various experts and demonstrating methods of finishing certain tasks. Every document is structurally consistent since a template establishes a single style, such as a common typeface and spacing.
• A template will specify what details must be included and where in the SOP each topic should be placed. This consistency throughout SOPs makes it simple for readers (often employees) to find the information they require.

The significance of SOP templates has been demonstrated by recent events. Many companies had to swiftly develop new operational processes when COVID-19 emerged to ensure workplace safety. The availability of a template allowed for quick modifications to procedures that support business continuity.

Formats for Standard Operating Procedures

Managers can structure and format standard operating procedures in different ways when writing them. The objective is to produce a document that is simple to understand and beneficial for the work at hand.
What type of SOP to employ depends on two criteria. Firstly, how many decisions would the user need to make when accomplishing a task? And secondly, the number of steps and sub-steps.
The simple steps format can be used to write short, minimal decision routine procedures. Long procedures with more than 10 steps and few decisions should be written in a graphic or in a hierarchical steps format. A flowchart should be used to document procedures that demand plenty of decisions.

The most well-written SOPs are:

• Simple with clear instructions and avoid complex language.
• Include only the most relevant details in the SOP.
• SOP users must understand exactly what actions to take to accomplish the task or goal.
• Save the SOP where they are easily accessible to stakeholders when they need it.

Bottom Line

Standard operating procedures are helpful tools for taking charge of work processes. They outline the finer points that determine the success or failure of a task. Additionally, well-written SOPs function as effective communication tools that boost employee understanding and job satisfaction.
Although the SOP development process can be demanding, however, it can lead to significant performance. The development process brings the management, employees, and advisors together in a collaborative manner when properly and thoroughly implemented. As a result, everyone concentrates their efforts on carrying out their tasks as effectively as they can, with the resources available to the cannabis industry.

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