Forte Operations Announces Its Application-Based New Dispensary Opening Bootcamp  

Forte Dispensary Opening Bootcamp

Forte Ops, a cannabis retail consulting and training firm, announced today the general availability of its New Dispensary Opening Bootcamp, an application based training and mentoring program for aspiring dispensary owners. 

At its core, the Bootcamp consists of courses that cover topics including: 

  • Retail Design + Customer Flow  
  • People planning 
  • Compliance 
  • Financial Forecasting + Planning  
  • Partner Planning 
  • Marketing 
  • Training  
  • Leadership Development  

Our Dispensary Owner and Operator Training Program is designed to accelerate your store opening with retail strategists who will help you launch compliantly while saving time, money and resources. Licensees who complete Forte’s New Store Opening program will:  

  1. Competitively set themselves up for success with a plan to sustain market saturation  
  1. Develop scalable and repeatable retail plans and operations which will in turn choreograph the success of their future growth  
  1. Learn from other markets’ mistakes! Spend strategically and intentionally 

Bootcamp attendees can set their own course schedule, allowing them to select the dates and times that work best for them. The program includes assistance with developing required applications and post-application materials including standard operating procedures (SOPs) and training manuals. Attendees will have direct phone, text, and email access to an experienced Forte strategist outside of scheduled sessions if they have any questions or run into roadblocks. 

In addition to hands-on assistance, participants will be given access to a comprehensive library of compliant, regulator-approved plan templates and SOPs that they can either use or take inspiration and guidance from.  

The Bootcamp is developed by Cannabis Retail Strategist, Brytany Melville, one of North America’s leading dispensary consultants and retail experts. With 16+ years of entrepreneurial and high-volume retail experience, Melville began her cannabis career opening the first legal stores in Canada. Brytany has become a subject matter expert in the cannabis space, through her numerous store openings, brand launch/development and active industry engagement. Her commitment has always been to provide new and independent licensees with the same level of knowledge, resources and expertise the big box retail brands receive.  

Currently, first-time dispensary owners looking for training and guidance do not have many high-quality, affordable options. In states like New York, New Jersey, and Illinois, hundreds of people have had dispensary licenses for many months or even years but have not yet been able to open their stores. There are a variety of reasons for this, but a big part of the problem is that launching a legal dispensary is incredibly complex, and many licensees do not have anyone they can turn to for help. 

Traditional consultants are typically expensive and often inexperienced, especially in a new market. Our affordable solution provides licensees with the operational kick-off to help set them up for long-term success.  

Those interested in the Forte NSO Bootcamp can apply here. Selection is limited and subject to qualification, with priority allocated to applicants with licenses. 

Forte Ops will be exhibiting at MJBizCon later this month at booth 7308. Attendees can set up a meeting at the show.

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